Chinese Coffee Overview

2024-03-20 10:18:28

It sounds strange that a tea-oriented country like China is becoming more known for growing outstanding specialty coffee. But it's true, although China entered the speciality coffee industry fairly recently. Coffee was first introduced to China in the late 19th century. The French setttlers brought coffee to Yunnan province, but the production was sitting on the sidelines for the better part of the century. In 1988 when the Chinese Government initiated a project to boost the coffee industry and with the support of larger companies like Nestlé, the production soared.


And while the Chinese tea tradition isn't going anywhere soon, coffee is slowly gaining popularity in China and all thanks to a surge in coffee consumptions among the younger generations of local people. Nowadays, Shanghai alone is home to over 6,500 coffee shops, with Starbucks and Costa Coffee taking the lead. For younger generations, coffee is more than just a beverage. It represents a status symbol, given that medium latte costs £3.17, while in London the same drink costs £2.60. And if you know that the average monthly wage in Shanghai is less then a third of average wage in London, you can understand why in China coffee is a luxury a lot of people just can't afford.


China almost exclusively grows Arabica coffee, which is predominantly grown in Yunnan province. Small amounts of Robusta are grown on the island of Hainan, south of China, and in Fujian province, southeast China.


Although Yunnan is known as a tea-growing region, a birthplace of the renowned 'Pu'er' tea, its mountainous landscape with altitudes around 2,000 meters and mild climate are perfect for growing exceptional coffee. Right in the middle of the coffee belt, this province borders Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos and stretches over 394,000 square kilometers.



Flavour Profile 

The Yunnan province coffee can vary significantly depending on the varietal, altitude and processing method. We've tasted great coffees processed from Catimor trees as washed coffees but there are also some really great natural and honey processed coffees. We've found the coffees typically showcase well balanced flavours with juicy fruit notes and really good sweetness. The washed coffees often taste very similar to coffees from central and south america. 



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交易所 品种 价格 货币 单位
美国ICE 咖啡指数 199.75 美分
美国ICE 阿拉比卡09 199.50 美分
美国ICE 阿拉比卡07 198.83 美分
欧洲ICEU 罗布斯塔07 3,402 美元
巴西现货咖啡 日晒阿拉比卡 1,220 雷亚尔 60公斤
巴西现货咖啡 罗布斯塔 934.21 雷亚尔 60公斤
哥伦比亚现货咖啡 水洗阿拉比卡 1,536 美元 125公斤
越南现货咖啡 罗布斯塔 99,800 越南盾 千克
美国ICE 可可指数 7,108 美元
美国ICE 可可09 7,309 美元
美国ICE 可可07 7,781 美元
外汇市场 美元指数 104.18 美元 美元
外汇市场 巴西雷亚尔 5.1361 雷亚尔 美元
交易所库存数量 美国ICE 735,694 /
交易所库存数量 欧洲ICEU 4,066 /
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